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- Port Switch v1.2
- © Software Ambience 1995/96
- Kickstart 2.0 version
- Programmed by Steve Sloggett
- ----------
- Contents
- ----------
- 1. Distribution
- 2. Introduction
- 3. Requirements
- 4. Usage
- 5. History
- 6. Acknowledgements
- 7. Software Ambience
- -----------------
- 1. Distribution
- -----------------
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- This software and information is provided "as is". No representations
- or warranties are made with respect to the accuracy, reliability,
- performance, currentness, or operation of this software and information,
- and all use is at your own risk. The author assumes no responsibility or
- liability whatsoever with respect to your use of this software and
- information.
- Distribution
- ------------
- This program is freeware. You may copy this program freely but you
- cannot charge more than a nominal fee for copying. The distribution must
- remain complete and unaltered, although permission is given to crunch or
- archive the complete distribution. Magazines are permitted to distribute
- this program on their disks providing they inform the author, stating the
- most recent version in their possession, so the author can ensure that the
- version distributed is the current release.
- The source code can be used as part of any program provided that I am
- given credit for my work by means of the following statement:
- Part of this program is based upon Port Switch v1.2 which is
- © Software Ambience 1995/96
- I would also appreciate being notified of this fact.
- The following files should be contained within the distribution. If any
- are missing, please contact the author for the complete distribution. The
- sizes quoted are for the file when it has not been crunched.
- Port Switch (dir)
- Documentation (dir)
- PortSwitch.Doc
- PortSwitch.Guide
- Source (dir)
- PortSwitch.C
- PortSwitch
- If you have any complaints, suggestions, bug reports, requests for
- updates, samples of your work, or spare cash, please send them to:
- Mail: Steve Sloggett
- 55 North Road East
- Plymouth
- Devon
- England
- PL4 6AN
- Internet: s.sloggett@plymouth.ac.uk
- steve@area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk
- PGP encryption available
- World Wide Web: http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~steve
- -----------------
- 2. Introduction
- ------------------
- Why did I write Port Switch? Well... due to excessive wear to
- the mouse port on my A1200, a pin broke off and rendered my mouse useful
- only if I wanted to move the pointer horizontally :-)
- Obviously, this wasn't a good thing. So, I wrote this program as a
- short-term way of getting my mouse operational again.
- Please be aware, however, that it can only do as much as you could
- using the keyboard mouse emulation:
- o Buttons
- Hold down an Amiga key and press the Left-Alt or Right-Alt
- keys for the appropriate button
- o Movement
- Hold down an Amiga key and use the Cursor keys, and to
- increase the movement speed, hold down the Shift key
- -----------------
- 3. Requirements
- -----------------
- This program requires Kickstart 2.0 or higher. If it is not present, the
- program will not work.
- ----------
- 4. Usage
- ----------
- This program should be used from the CLI or Shell. The syntax is:
- This is the port number that the mouse is to be controlled from. This
- can either be 0 or 1. If this is not supplied, the program assumes the
- default mouse port, 0.
- If, for example, you wanted to change the port to port 1, simply type:
- PortSwitch 1
- In reponse, providing if it was successful, you will see:
- Port Switch v1.2 © Software Ambience 1995/96 (Freeware)
- Programmed by Steve Sloggett
- Mouse control port is now changed
- ------------
- 5. History
- ------------
- Below is a list, in ascending order, of all the versions to date of
- this program with information as to what has changed.
- o 1.0 (28th December 1995)
- Initial version.
- o 1.1 (29th December 1995)
- Added command line parameters and various code improvements.
- o 1.2 (17th February 1996)
- Miscellaneous changes.
- Configurations
- --------------
- This program has been fully tested on the configurations listed below:
- o A500 Plus with a 68000 processor, Kickstart 2.04 and 1 megabyte
- of chip ram
- o A1200 with a 68030 processor and MMU, Kickstart 3.0, 2 megabytes
- of chip ram, 4 megabytes of fast ram, an external disk drive,
- and a 250 megabyte PCMCIA external hard drive.
- o A1200 with a 68020 processor, Kickstart 3.0, 2 megabytes of chip
- ram, an external disk drive, and a 130 megabyte PCMCIA external
- hard drive, and a CD-ROM drive.
- ---------------------
- 6. Acknowledgements
- ---------------------
- Without the following people, this program would never have existed. I
- wish to extend many thanks to:
- o Ross O'Connor
- For the use of his A1200 for testing.
- o James Lester
- For the use of his A500 Plus for testing.
- ----------------------
- 7. Software Ambience
- ----------------------
- Joining Software Ambience
- -------------------------
- If you wish to join Software Ambience, please send some samples of your
- own work to one of the members below, or visit the Software Ambience
- home page.
- If you wish to be notified of future Software Ambience releases and
- updates, send an e-mail message to "s.sloggett@plymouth.ac.uk" with a
- subject of "Subscribe Ambience". The mailing list is sent out very
- infrequently.
- Current Members
- ---------------
- o Software Ambience
- FTP: area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/pub/amiga/Software_Ambience
- World Wide Web: http://cent1.lancs.ac.uk/~pyc95042
- o Steve Sloggett (Programmer)
- Mail: 55 North Road East
- Plymouth
- Devon
- England
- PL4 6AN
- Internet: s.sloggett@plymouth.ac.uk
- steve@area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk
- PGP encryption available
- World Wide Web: http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~steve
- o Ross O'Connor (Programmer)
- Mail: Room A216 Colton
- Furness College
- Lancaster University
- Lancs
- LA1 4YG
- Internet: r.oconnor@lancaster.ac.uk
- World Wide Web: http://cent1.lancs.ac.uk/~oconnorr
- o Carl Wainwright (Programmer)
- Internet: wainwrig@amla.lab.fh-ulm.de
- World Wide Web: http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~carlw
- Steve Sloggett's Public PGP Key
- -------------------------------
- Below is my public PGP key. If you do not trust this copy, then you
- can get it from me by sending an e-mail message to
- "s.sloggett@plymouth.ac.uk" with a subject of "Send Key".
- Version: 2.6.3i
- npsbZfAm8zffenBfNCg58MJPjEP0ogukqMPKvrMx63PvSghk2CdkwZbl0nSX47yV
- uF+hnV4RzUlI2MmpLW2ubmDJ7BQNWAF+u6gFiPDszEC3fr1TNKjMkiGaCMgVAAUR
- tCpTdGV2ZSBTbG9nZ2V0dCA8cy5zbG9nZ2V0dEBwbHltb3V0aC5hYy51az6JAJUD
- BRAxJiNCqMySIZoIyBUBAZlTA/9+u+z0Kuuqu1Qa1oFxet0GK44uO6JLHFKmBF53
- kLbbrz4ikEIMiEARbUKHRUYaqwSi/rZzIz1iMLiAA7s7k3A9b3kXPqFbo5mdfU5M
- 1/1psg==
- =gdwE